Directed and produced by Lagan Sebert and Ted Roach, the film follows two Nashville music legends (John Hiatt & Jerry Douglas) as they team up during the pandemic to record their Grammy-nominated album "Leftover Feelings" in Elvis' favorite studio, RCA's fabled Studio B.  Walking in the footsteps of Elvis, Dolly, and Waylon through the house that Chet Atkins built, John & Jerry attempt to revive and capture the magical sounds of this historic room where so many early hit songs were made. Featuring commentary along the journey from friends and collaborators Lyle Lovett, Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris, Rodney Crowell, Molly Tuttle, Jeff Hanna, and Connie Smith, this film spotlights the legacy of Music City’s most significant studio through the lens of two godfathers of Americana music.

Nashville, TN
Lagan Sebert
Ted Roach

Leftover Feelings

Following Nashville legends recording a Grammy-nominated album during the pandemic

Behind the scenes


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