For Crew

By Crew

What it means to be part of our global crew community.

IS founded by filmmakers.

We started Hometeam after playing just about every role on set and living and breathing the adventure of production. Along the way, we’ve experienced pain points and taken notes while asking ourselves...

“Isn’t there a better way?”

That question motivates us every day, at every step, to build a better approach to production for all.

Crew First

starting with the crew in mind leads to a better production experience for all… and better content too.
A Moment of Crisis.

A Creative Way Forward.

In April 2020, as production came to a grinding halt in the early pandemic days, we looked around and realized we could move ahead by bonding together. By uniting our filmmaker friends from across the U.S. and around the globe, we were able to offer local production without the risk (and cost and time) of traveling crew and gear.

Word spread and more filmmakers joined our community. We solved an urgent challenge and kept production going as we created incredible work for major brands, TV shows, and streaming programs across the entire country and around the world. And as the pandemic subsided, what remained was...

We started with our friends - our favorite filmmaking peers - and kept going to curate a community of the sharpest filmmakers from all backgrounds, each with great talent and a passion for storytelling.

A Hometeam filmmaker

is at the top of their game with a best-in-class body of work and a deep determination to keep getting better.

We often thrive when we work nimbly and the best Hometeam filmmakers have the ability to work independently to carry each production that last local mile. We develop things 90% and our local filmmakers take it to 110%.

As we say, when you’re working with Hometeam, you’re Messin’ with the Best.

A Right-Sized Production Approach.

Don’t get us wrong, we all love travel and the production adventure.

But many projects don’t need to travel crews and gear halfway around the world. What’s more, they can benefit by working with local crews with local know-how and designing a more right-sized, human-scale approach to production.

Part of something bigger

Hometeam is proud to unite with and support

Perk #1

One Team. One Dream.

Number one, treat each other with respect, kindness, and understanding of everything our crews need to succeed. Not too long ago we were in the field ourselves, and so we know what a good production day looks like. We strive to set our crews up for success and give them the best production experience.

Perk #2

Focus on your passion.

Our number one goal is to bring great work to our filmmakers. We take care of finding the work and building a great production plan so that you, the filmmaker, can focus more of your time and energy on the passion to create that got you into filmmaking in the first place.

Perk #3


We work hard to bring quality opportunities for big brands, musical artists, and entertainment series right to your doorstep. You can spend more time making a living closer to home, sleeping in your own bed, spending your time off-set with friends and family.

Perk #4


Our crew rates are up-to-date and reflect the industry standard that we’ve double checked and confirmed. And once your job is done we’ll get you paid promptly.

Perk #5


We want this to be an easy yes for you. No membership dues. No exclusivity. If we bring you a cool opportunity and you’ve got time on your calendar, let’s make something great together. If not, all good, we’ll keep you in mind for the next.

Hometeam’s goal is to bring quality work to our crews but sometimes it works the other way too…
We’ve had filmmakers reach out to Hometeam for support when they want to:
  • Scale up to manage bigger, complex productions
  • Find support crews across the U.S. and around the globe
  • Combine reels and co-pitch for a higher chance to win jobs
  • Have a team to help manage clients and production paperwork
  • Focus on their role as Director or DP and let Hometeam handle the rest
If you have an opportunity you think could benefit from working with a bigger team, reach out. We’ll find a way to win together.

Let's Talk

Do you like what we’re up to and want to get involved?
Have talented friends we should know about?
Need support on a production of your own?

Give a shout… We’re here for you.